We want to

preserve and protect the Hñähñu language and culture

We will

honor with thought and heart the heritage left to us by our ancestors

Listen in…

​In this short video we demonstrate what a casual conversation sounds like in Hñähñu. We use very typical vocabulary heard in a marketplace. 

Partner with us

Mä Hñäkihu would not exist outside of the generous gifts from individuals who see the value of our work and want to be a part of sustaining it. Please consider helping us continue our work doing Indigenous language preservation through a one-time or monthly donation! 



Se Ve Se Escucha (Seen and Heard) is a podcast by the Center for Participatory Change about language justice and what it means to be an interpreter, an organizer and bilingual in the US South. Language justice is about interpretation and translation, but it's also about building meaningful relationships to organize and transform our communities.

Episode 6: De Sur A Norte

Abel González, Eulogio Martínez, and Thubini Mästo̱ho̱ join Andrea and Ada to share their experiences as Hñähñu (Otomi) speakers working on language preservation. Abel and Eulogio are the cofounders of Ra rojo ra Hñähñu, a multigenerational Hnähñu class in Asheville, NC. Thubini lives in Mexico and teaches Hñähñu and Tù'ùn Savi (Mixteco) online through his project Mastoho Lenguas Originarias. Join us for this very special multilingual conversation about language revitalization, decolonization, and migration.